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  • Writer's pictureDr. Yuksel Yurttas

The Long-term Effects of Limb Lengthening Surgery

Limb lengthening surgery offers individuals the chance to reach new heights, quite literally. But the journey doesn’t end in the operating room. The long-term effects of this procedure can be as significant as the surgery itself. In this blog post, we’ll explore these effects, offering a comprehensive look at life after surgery.

If you’re considering height surgery for cosmetic reasons, you should be aware of the potential challenges ahead. The procedure can be time-consuming and expensive, and it may involve pain and discomfort during the recovery process. Also, it’s important to manage your expectations, as the results of the surgery may not be as predictable as you hope.

Limb lengthening surgeon and patient
Most people can grow taller with leg lengthening, but setting realistic goals is key.

The long-term effects of the procedure depend on various factors, including the patient’s age, the lengthened leg, the amount of lengthening, and the surgical method used. The recovery period can be a time of significant change. As the body adjusts to its new proportions, patients may experience a range of physical and emotional changes. These changes can be challenging, but they’re also an important part of the journey towards a new, taller you.

During the recovery period, patients work closely with the surgeon, nurses, and physical therapists. This team provides support and guidance, helping patients navigate the challenges of recovery and adjust to their new physical reality.

But what happens once the recovery period is over? What are the long-term effects that patients can expect to experience? In the following sections, you'll have answers to these questions.

Some of the possible long-term effects of limb lengthening surgery include:

Physical effects

  • Pain: Limb lengthening surgery can be painful, and you may need to take pain medication for an extended period after the procedure.

  • Nerve damage: There is a risk of nerve damage during the surgery, which can result in numbness, tingling, or weakness in the affected limb.

  • Delayed healing: The bones may take longer to heal than expected, which can delay the recovery process.

  • Scarring: There may be scarring at the surgical site.

  • Changes in gait or posture: The surgery may cause changes in the way you walk or stand, which can put additional strain on your joints and muscles.

  • Weight-loss: During the treatment, your calorie needs may increase, or sometimes you may lose your appetite.

  • Difficulty finding clothing that fits properly: The increase in limb length may make it difficult to find clothing that fits properly.

  • Risk of complications: There is a risk of complications during or after the surgery, including infection, bleeding, and nerve damage.

Psychological effects

  • Discomfort with physical appearance: Some people may feel uncomfortable with the way their body looks after the surgery, particularly if the results are not as expected.

  • Difficulty adjusting to changes in physical abilities: The surgery may affect your physical abilities, such as your ability to walk or run, which can be difficult to adjust to.

  • Stress and anxiety: The surgery and recovery process can be stressful and may cause anxiety.

  • Negative self-image: Some people may develop a negative self-image as a result of the surgery, particularly if they are unhappy with the results.

Social effects

  • Difficulty with social interactions: The surgery may affect your ability to interact with others, particularly if you are self-conscious about your appearance or if you have difficulty with physical activities.

  • Negative reactions from others: Some people may react negatively to the surgery, which can be difficult to deal with.

  • Isolation: The surgery and recovery process can be time-consuming and may cause you to feel isolated from your friends and loved ones.

x-ray check up after tibia lengthening
Your commitment to post-surgery instructions directly impacts your limb lengthening success.

How to Minimize Potential Long-Term Effects

Most people have good results from leg lengthening surgery, but it's important to know about long-term effects and how to avoid them. To minimize these, here are strategies you can follow:

  • Choose a reputable surgeon: It is important to choose a surgeon who has extensive experience in limb lengthening surgery and a good track record of success. Look for a surgeon who is board-certified and has a reputation for providing high-quality care.

  • Follow the surgeon's recommendations: Your surgeon will provide specific instructions for pre-surgery preparation, surgery, recovery, and follow-up care. It is important to follow these instructions carefully to ensure the safest and most successful outcome.

  • Be realistic about what you can gain: What you can gain with cosmetic limb lengthening surgery is limited. Attempting to exceed safe lengthening limits may increase the risk of complications and cause permanent health problems.

  • Engage in physical therapy: Physical therapy is an important part of the recovery process after limb lengthening surgery. It is important to follow the prescribed physical therapy regimen to help you regain strength and mobility after the surgery.

  • Take care of your mental health: The recovery process after limb lengthening surgery can be physically and emotionally challenging. It is important to take care of your mental health by seeking support from friends and family, and seeking help from a mental health professional if needed.

  • Monitor your progress: After the surgery, it is important to monitor your progress and report any concerns to your surgeon. Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon can help ensure that any potential complications are detected and addressed early on.

By taking these steps, you can minimize the potential negative long-term effects of this surgery and increase the chances of a successful result.

For more information or personalized consultation, contact us via WhatsApp at +905339735289 or email us at

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